AMA St. Louis’ leadership team represents professional marketers from all backgrounds and industries. Each is ready and willing to help you connect with the organization, get involved, and build your network. 

Adam Lowery
Chelsea Boyles
Email Marketing
Dave Shogren
Immediate Past President/Treasurer
Eric Rhiney
Erik Lutenegger
Website/Technology Chair
Erin Kopec
Hannah Frisch
Social Media Co-Chair
Jennifer Knapp
Membership VP
Joe Maddock
Social Media Co-Chair
Kyle Coble
Co-Chair College Outreach
Lynne Mumbe
Social Media
Maria Rosario
Programming VP
Marisa Lather
Communications VP
Mark Denk
Community Relations/Past President’s Council
Nick Niehaus
Past President’s Council
Nina Lawrence
Email Marketing
Nisha RayChaudhuri
Co-Chair College Outreach
Terry Sullivan
Wes Morgan
Historian / Golf Chair